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Welcome to Coachella Valley a San Jose Rastafarian Church

With offerings of devotion, ships from the isles will meet to pour the wealth of the nations and bring tribute to his feet. We, the congregation of Coachella Valley Church (CVC) believes fully the teachings of the Bible, and as such we have our daily obligations, and offer our sacrifices, made by fire unto our God with chants and Psalms and spiritual hymns, lifting up holy hands and making melody in our hearts.

Just as God's house has many rooms, we
aim to make room for people of all backgrounds without requiring adherence to any religious belief or creed. Come join us as we worship, rejoice, confess, receive forgiveness, serve and discern where God is calling us to mission in the world.

Our Rastafarian Cannabis Church in San Jose is not politically originated, and we support no political organization, or commercial institution, seeing that religion, politics, and commerce are the three unclean spirits which separate the people from their God. Is CBD Addictive? Learn the answer here. 

Coachella Valley Church is one of the first federally recognized Rastafarian churches in The United States. Our Northern California sanctuary is located in the San Francisco Bay Area, welcoming all new members. Beginning with thyself, you first recognize that you are more than just living for living sake. The realm of consciousness is one of the first steps towards Rastafari. Rastafarianism has a lot to do with how you conduct yourself among your Sistrens and Brethrens. Every human being have a sense of life.

Coachella Valley Church offers more than the best San Jose dispensary. We offer spiritual growth and healing services that many San Jose dispensaries do not. Being the number one with God is a greater honor than being the best dispensary in San Jose.